2023 Symposium
We have lined up at least six different speakers with more possible. Our Symposium is being organized into a two-track format. One track will be Doug Smith & Ken Wyatt doing what they do best – demos, sparks, ozone and soft ‘bangs’ teaching tips and tricks along with the basics of EMC & ESD testing. The other track will consist of all our other speakers presenting more ‘traditional’ technical sessions. The two separate tracks are independent of each other but all attendees will be allowed to mix, mingle & migrate between the tracks all day long as they like.
Our Oct 19th Symposium is being held at the Embassy Suites LAX South. Future events are being planned for 2nd & 4th Quarters of 2024. We are looking to hold future events in multiple cities, including San Diego, Denver, San Jose, Salt Lake City, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Seattle, Reno, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Irvine and more. We love to hear from our clients regarding their particular interests and suggestions for new locations, new topics, new speakers and new venues. Please do contact us anytime for questions or suggestions.
You should attend if:
- You are new to EMC or Safety compliance, testing or assurance and you’d like better understand some of the issues that concern you.
- You were tagged to be your organization’s in-house resource for EMC/EMI or Safety compliance.
- Your company has experienced failures during compliance testing.
- You are experienced in EMC or Safety but you would like to meet with other professionals or vendors.
- You have been wondering about the impact of Global Harmonization on standards and testing.
Session 1A
Item Detail | Item ID | |
Item Name | Item Price |

Session 1A
Time: 8:30am – 9:45am
Presented by: TBD
Session 1B
Time: 10:15am – 11:00am
Presented by: TBD
Session 2A
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Presented by: TBD
A fine lunch will be provided to all vendors and attendees in the Conference Room
Time: 11:30pm – 1:00pm
Session 1C
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Presented by: TBD
Time: 2:15pm – 3:00pm
Presented by: TBD
Session 1E
Time: 3:15pm -4:00pm
Presented by: TBD
Session 2B
Time: 1:30pm -4:00pm
Presented by: TBD
Session 1F
Time: 4:00pm -5:00pm
Presented by: TBD
This is a great opportunity to get any of your questions answered. All of our speakers and vendors will be present during the entire event to answer your questions and provide any guidance you would like.
Social Gathering & Hors d’Oeuvres Walk-About
Round out your EMC tech-focused day with a convivial gathering for all. Dinner, drinks (soft & adult) on us right here at our Embassy Suites Hotel. You will enjoy good food and drinks plus have time to mingle and network in a convivial manner with other engineers and professional colleagues who share your own career foci.

Updates to our list of exhibitors and vendors will happen over the course of the next 1.5 months. Please be sure to check back often.
The EMCmini Symposium is NEW for 2023
It is focused on the subject of testing for proof of compliance to EMC & ESD standards required by US and Global markets. From demonstrations and presentations, you will learn about detecting, localizing and reducing or eliminating unwanted RF energy from your manufactured RF devices.
Join us and get answers to the following:
- What standards and regulations do I have to meet?
- What changes have recently occurred to those standards?
- What are some of the key design principals?
- Why are Global considerations important and relevant to my success?
- Who can provide help?
- What equipment is needed for in house testing?
- How to do I troubleshoot a failing product?
- What is the difference between 'Pre' and 'Full' compliance testing?