2023 Speakers &
Symposium Chair
All of our speakers have at least 30 years of EMC/Safety experience. You will learn from the best. You will also be introduced to outstanding products and services from our exhibitors.
Symposium Chair
Cameron ‘Cam’ Jones

Dr. Stephan Braun
CTO and Director at GAUSS INSTRUMENTS Inc.
Managing Director of GAUSS INSTRUMENTS International
Technical University of Munich Dr.-Ing., Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2004-2007: Summa cum laude
Stephan Braun was born in Überlingen, Germany in 1978. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering in 2003 from the Technische Universität M¨nchen (TUM), Munich, Germany. Stephan Braun studied Electrical Engineering at Munich University of Technology (TUM), and received his Dipl.-Ing. Degree in 2003. From 2003-2009 he was Research Assistant at the Institute for High Frequency Engineering, where he received his Dr.-Ing. Degree in 2007. During this time the research was focused on the Theory and Application of Fully Compliant EMI Testing using Time-domain (FFT-based) Methods. He has been working actively since 2007 for DKE and CISPR and has mainly contributed to the inclusion and definition of the FFT-based measuring instrument according to CISPR 16-1-1, CISPR 16-3 and CISPR 16-2-X. In 2010 this novel method became standard and is today referenced by almost all EMI Testing standards, including MIL461G. He is co-founder and managing director of GAUSS INSTRUMENTS International and a Member of VDE, Electrosuisse and IEEE. He is author of more than 120 papers and inventor of several patents, mainly about EMI testing, real-time signal processing, and microwave circuits. Visit Stephan at Gauss Instruments.

W. Michael King
W. Michael King, after a period of design and production in the professional audio recording industry, entered the field that is now known as EMC in 1960. He has been participating in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) engineering for over fifty years. Within that period, he has been: engaged in the EMC definition, design, evaluation, implementation, management and execution of well over (an estimated) one thousand programs and projects; engaged in contracts with over 1,000 project and systems developers with over 400 clients. Dr. King has authored a major work on the subject of EMC, entitled, “EMCT: Electromagnetic Compatibility Tutorial”, released2 by the IEEE Standards Information Network, and Elliott Laboratories.
Dr. King’s full profile and Curriculum Vitae may be viewed at www.wmichaelking.com.
Please also visit: www.systemsemc.com.

Adam Linkowski
Adam Linkowski is an application engineer and product manager at Pendulum Instruments; the Detectus EMC Scanner producer. He has nearly 15 years of experience in the field of electrical engineering, project management, and sales. At Pendulum, Adam is responsible for developing and launching new ideas for the EMC Scanner. He also leads training and workshops for customers and partners.
Adam Linkowski has a master’s degree in electrical engineering with a focus on automation and robotics from the Poznan University of Technology. He is interested in new technologies, innovation, and developmental psychology. In his spare time Adam enjoys traveling with is big family, reading and sports.
Please also visit: www.pendulum-instruments.com.

Mark Montrose NCE
Mark Montrose is principal consultant of Montrose Compliance Services, Inc., a full-service regulatory compliance firm specializing in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and industrial product safety. His consulting services include design analysis at the circuit, component, and system level. Mark is a world-class expert on all aspects of applied printed circuit board and system design with a large international client base. Mark is an iNARTE Master EMC Design Engineer and past Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE EMC Society. He has presented technical papers at International EMC Symposiums worldwide. Mr. Montrose has authored several best-selling textbooks focused on EMC, including EMC Made Simple® – Printed Circuit Board and System Design, 2014. Visit Mark at Montrose Compliance.

Shirish Shah
Shirish is the Founder and President of Compatible Electronics – an independent EMC test laboratory. He is also President of Compower Corp. Com-Power designs and manufactures a great variety of EMC test equipment. Mr. Shah was born in India and moved to the USA in 1972 for further education after receiving his B. Tech, EE from the Indian Institute of Technology. He received his MS EE from the University of Hawaii in 1973. By 1983, Shirish started consulting for EMC compliance design. He has given extended, indepth EMC training to more than 100 engineers, technicians and technical managers and facilitated a more focused EMC assistance and training to thousands of clients. Visit Shirish at Compatible Electronics.

Doug Smith
Mr. Smith held an FCC First Class Radiotelephone license by age 16 and a General Class amateur radio license at age 12. Currently, he is an independent consultant specializing in high frequency measurements, circuit/system design and verification, switching power supply noise and specifications, EMC, and immunity to transient noise. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a former member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors.
He has lectured at Oxford University, The University of California Santa Barbara, The University of California Berkeley, Vanderbilt University, AT&T Bell Labs, and internationally at many public and private seminars on high frequency measurements, circuit design, ESD, and EMC. Visit Doug at emcesd.com.

Eike Suthau
Eike is a Founder and Managing Director of LUMILOOP GmbH – a manufacturer of optically powered sensor systems such as high-speed E-field probes, RF power sensors and analog-optical transmission systems.
Eike was born in Germany and received his MS EE from the Dresden University of Technology in 2007. He started his career as a mixed-signal ASIC designer and FAE for full custom ICs. By 2011 he returned to Dresden University for a research position. Mr. Suthau is one of the founders of LUMILOOP GmbH and has lead the design of innovative solutions in the field of EMC and industrial sensors, he has co-authored multiple patents. LUMILOOP’s and Eike’s mission is accelerating EMC testing while improving the accuracy and ease of use of measuring equipment. Visit Eike at lumiloop.de.

Kenneth Wyatt
Kenneth Wyatt, Wyatt Technical Services, Inc., holds degrees in biology and electronic engineering and has worked as a product development engineer for various aerospace firms on projects ranging from DC-DC power converters to RF and microwave systems for shipboard and space platforms. For over 20 years, he worked as a senior EMC engineer for Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies in Colorado Springs where he provided comprehensive EMC design and troubleshooting services. A prolific author and presenter, Ken has written or presented topics including RF amplifier design, RF network analysis software, EMC design of products and use of simple tools for EMC troubleshooting. He has been published in many magazines, including Electronic Design, In-Compliance, Interference Technology (ITEM), Microwave Journal and others. Kenneth is a senior member of the IEEE and a long time member of the EMC Society where he serves as their official photographer. Visit Kenneth at Wyatt Technical Services, LLC.

Updates to our list of exhibitors and vendors will happen over the course of the next 1.5 months. Please be sure to check back often.
The EMCmini Symposium is NEW for 2023
It is focused on the subject of testing for proof of compliance to EMC & ESD standards required by US and Global markets. From demonstrations and presentations, you will learn about detecting, localizing and reducing or eliminating unwanted RF energy from your manufactured RF devices.
Join us and get answers to the following:
- What standards and regulations do I have to meet?
- What changes have recently occurred to those standards?
- What are some of the key design principals?
- Why are Global considerations important and relevant to my success?
- Who can provide help?
- What equipment is needed for in house testing?
- How to do I troubleshoot a failing product?
- What is the difference between 'Pre' and 'Full' compliance testing?